1. Visit the official page:http://www.maybank2u.com.my
1. 进入官方网站:http://www.maybank2u.com.my
2. Login your【Account】
3. After login, click【PAY & TRANSFER】
4. Click【RELOAD】and Select【Game Credits with PIN】
5. Select【MyCard】
6. Choose the【Amount】 that you intended to buy, after than key in your【Mobile Number】and press【RELOAD】
6. 选择欲购买的<价钱>与输入<手机号码>,然后点击<RELOAD>
Note:Please remember to fill in the correct Mobile Number
Note:Please remember to fill in the correct Mobile Number
8. Request【TAC】and key in, press【Confirm】to complete.
Shall you having any issues regarding MyCard Top Up, reach us at our official Facebook page and leave us a message! Our customer service will reach back for you as soon as possible:https://www.facebook.com/MyCardMalaysia
若您在使用MyCard储值上有任何疑问,请前往MyCard Malaysia粉丝页私讯询问,客服人员会在工作时间内尽早回覆:https://www.facebook.com/MyCardMalaysia