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2020年4月3日 星期五

上古卷軸 傳奇 MyCard儲值教學(The Elder Scrolls Legends Reload Guide)

APK下載(APK Download):
Android下載(Android Download):
iOS下載(iOS Download):

1. Download the APK file and install it.
1. 安裝並下載APK包

2. Login to game and Press 【+】
2. 登入遊戲後點擊右上方皇冠幣旁的<+>

3. Select the Crown Coin that you intended to buy
3. 選擇欲購買的皇冠幣

4. Select 【MyCard點數卡】 as your payment method
4. 進入儲值管道頁面,選擇<MyCard點數卡>作為支付選項

5.Enter your MyCard Serial number and Password, then press the orange button 【送出】to complete.
5.輸入對應的MyCard卡號(Serial number)與密碼(Password),點擊<送出>即可

Shall you having any issues regarding MyCard Top Up, reach us at our official Facebook page and leave us a message! Our customer service will reach back for you as soon as possible:

若您在使用MyCard儲值上有任何疑問,請前往MyCard Malaysia粉絲頁私訊詢問,客服人員會在工作時間內盡早回覆:

