1. 首先前往官方网站:https://rs.eskyfun.com/
1. Visit the official page:https://rs.eskyfun.com/
2. 点击【充值】
2. Click 【Pay】
3. 输入您的游戏账号和密码【登录】
3. Key in your game account and password,then click【Sign in】
4. 选择游戏为【Rainbow Story】,您的游戏【伺服】和【角色】> 欲购买的【彩贝】和点击【下一步】
4. Select game as【Rainbow Story】,your game 【Server】and【Role】> Which【Shells】that intend to buy and click【Next】
5. 选择【MyCard】作为支付方式和选择您要充值的面额
6. 然后在右边旁点击【立刻购买】
8. 输入MyCard卡号(Serial Number)和密码(Password),然后点击击【进行储值】即可
8. Key in your MyCard Serial number and Password . then click 【Confirm to pay】 to complete
How to check the membership code: https://guide.mycard520.com/event/web/95868/
若您在使用MyCard储值上有任何疑问,请前往MyCard Malaysia粉丝页或者Whatsapp私讯询问,客服人员会在工作时间内尽早回覆。
Shall you having any issues regarding MyCard Top Up, reach us at our official Facebook page or WhatsApp and leave us a message! Our customer service will reach back for you as soon as possible.