Android Download (Android載點):
iOS Download (iOS載點):
TapTap Download (TapTap載點):
Official Site (官方網站):
Facebook Page (官方粉絲團):
Official Recharge Website (官網儲值):
1. Visit the recharge website:
1. 首先前往儲值網站:
2. Key in your Character ID.
2. 輸入您的遊戲角色ID.
3. 選擇您欲購買的【T-Gems】.
4. 選擇【MyCard】作爲您的儲值方式,及點擊【提交訂單】.
5. For Malaysian players, you may select【Malaysia】region, and choose the payment method you prefer.
5. 馬來西亞用戶,地區選擇【馬來西亞】,及選擇您的付款方式.
Malaysia Region (馬來西亞地區)
6. For Singaporean players, you may select【Singapore】region, and choose the payment method you prefer.
6. 新加坡用戶,地區選擇【新加坡】,及選擇您的付款方式.
Singapore Region (新加坡地區)
7. Pay by using【MyCard Point Card】, fill in the card number (Serial Number) and password, click【Top Up】.
7. 點選【點數卡儲值】付款,輸入相應的MyCard卡號(Serial Number)和密碼(Password),點擊【進行儲值】即可.
8. 點選【MyCard會員扣點】付款,登入MyCard會員帳號即完成付款.
9. Pay by using 【e-wallets】, and choose your favourite e-wallet to complete the payment.
9. 點選【電子錢包】,選擇您的電子錢包完成付款.
Malaysia Region (馬來西亞地區)
10. Pay by using 【Bank Transfer】, and choose your favourite bank to complete the payment.
10. 點選【銀行轉帳】,選擇您的銀行完成付款.
Singapore Region (新加坡地區)
Shall you having any issues regarding MyCard Top Up, reach us at our official Facebook page or WhatsApp and leave us a message! Our customer service will reach back for you as soon as possible.
FB Page:
若您在使用MyCard儲值上有任何疑問,請前往MyCard Malaysia粉絲頁或者Whatsapp詢問,客服人員會在工作時間內儘早回覆。