Android Download (Android载点):
APK Download (APK载点):
Window Version Download (Window 主程式载点):
Window Version Download (Window 主程式载点):
Official Recharge Website (储值官网):
Official Website (官方网站):
Facebook Page (EN):
Official Website (官方网站):
Facebook Page (EN):
I) Official Recharge Website (官网储值)
II) In-Game Recharge (Window Version) 遊戏内储值 (Window 版)
II) In-Game Recharge (Window Version) 遊戏内储值 (Window 版)
III)In-Game Recharge (APK Version) 遊戏内储值 (APK 版)
I) Official Recharge Website (官网储值)
1. Go to official recharge website:
1. 前往储值网站::
2. Game select【Light of Thel: New Era】, enter【Character ID】and【Verification Code】, then click【Query】.
1. 前往储值网站::
2. Game select【Light of Thel: New Era】, enter【Character ID】and【Verification Code】, then click【Query】.
2. 游戏选择【塞尔之光:崭新时代】, 输入【角色ID】和【验证码】, 然后点击【查询】.
3. 选择您欲购买的【商品】, 然后点击【下一步】.
4. Region select【Malaysia】, then payment platform select【MyCard】.
4. 地区选择【Malaysia】, 接着支付渠道选择【MyCard】.
5. For Malaysian players, you may select【Malaysia】region, and choose the payment method you prefer.5. 马来西亚用户,地区选择【马来西亚】,及选择您的付款方式.
6. 新加坡用户,地区选择【新加坡】,及选择您的付款方式.
1. Download and install Window Version.
1. 下载和安装Window 版.
2. Click【Mall】and【Crystal/Recharge】.
2. 点击【商城】和【水晶或充值】.
3. Select which【Product】that you intend to buy, then scan code to pay.
3. 选择您欲购买的【商品】, 然后扫码支付.
1. 下载和安装Window 版.
2. Click【Mall】and【Crystal/Recharge】.
2. 点击【商城】和【水晶或充值】.
3. 选择您欲购买的【商品】, 然后扫码支付.
4. 打开【塞尔之光】扫码支付.
5. Region select【Malaysia】, then payment platform select【MyCard】.5. 地区选择【Malaysia】, 接着支付渠道选择【MyCard】.
6. 马来西亚用户,地区选择【马来西亚】,及选择您的付款方式.
7. 新加坡用户,地区选择【新加坡】,及选择您的付款方式.
III)In-Game Recharge (APK Version) 遊戏内储值 (APK 版)
1. Download and install APK.
1. 下载和安装APK包.
2. Click【Mall】and【Crystal/Recharge】.
2. 点击【商城】和【水晶或充值】.
3. Select which【Product】that you intend to buy.
3. 选择您欲购买的【商品】.
4. Region select【Malaysia】, then payment platform select【MyCard】.
4. 地区选择【Malaysia】, 接着支付渠道选择【MyCard】.
5. For Malaysian players, you may select【Malaysia】region, and choose the payment method you prefer.
5. 马来西亚用户,地区选择【马来西亚】,及选择您的付款方式.
6. For Singaporean players, you may select【Singapore】region, and choose the payment method you prefer.
6. 新加坡用户,地区选择【新加坡】,及选择您的付款方式.
1. 下载和安装APK包.
2. Click【Mall】and【Crystal/Recharge】.
2. 点击【商城】和【水晶或充值】.
3. 选择您欲购买的【商品】.
4. 地区选择【Malaysia】, 接着支付渠道选择【MyCard】.
5. 马来西亚用户,地区选择【马来西亚】,及选择您的付款方式.
6. 新加坡用户,地区选择【新加坡】,及选择您的付款方式.
Shall you having any issues regarding MyCard Top Up, reach us at our official Facebook page or WhatsApp and leave us a message! Our customer service will reach back for you as soon as possible.
FB Page:
若您在使用MyCard儲值上有任何疑問,請前往MyCard Malaysia粉絲頁或者Whatsapp詢問,客服人員會在工作時間內儘早回覆。